Thursday, July 2, 2009

When I Was Younger

Another beautiful morning so I wish you all Mwaramutse (which means "good morning" in Kinyarwanda). I'm sitting with another cup of coffee and thinking about all the things I am going to miss while I'm away. Since school ended, I've had some time to think about who and what I'll miss. I do get a little teary eyed but all in all, have managed to hold it together. I think the best thing to do before moving across the world for AN ENTIRE YEAR!!! is to take a 5 week trip to Peru. People think I'm crazy but I think I would rather be hiking the Inca Trail than worrying about which pair of socks to pack. Anyway....there are some things I will miss. Drinking coffee in the sunshine on a comfy couch without fleas is one of them.

I will miss my family. There it is folks, I do have emotions and feelings. Unlike my dad and brother, I don't wear my heart on my sleeve. I tuck it away, hidden from most people. My family is great! And this doesn't just include my immediate family either. There are these great books in a series called "If" and are great for conversations. Aimey and I were reading them and one question was "If you could be born in to someone else's family, who's would it be?" I could honestly say, that I'm happy to be a MacEachern. Why? Jaime McVicar. That's why. My cousin, Joey, is getting married next week in Newfoundland (which is where my suitcase goes next) and Jaime stopped by for dinner and a night of playing the guitar with my brother, Pat. We sat around the table for hours and drank too much wine. Below are a few reasons, why I will miss my family.

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