Monday, May 24, 2010

Kigali International Peace Marathon

This weekend was the 6th Annual Kigali Peace Marathon. VSO was proudly represented and I have to say that the contingent was pretty hardcore. Amy had just returned from Nairobi at 3am (after a flight delay because a baggage truck and drove into the wing and a piece fell off) and still was there at 8am ready to run the half marathon. I did think, as I was watching it, that it would be a nice life’s goal to return to Kigali n 5 or 10 years and run the half marathon – or full marathon – myself one day. But since I like running about as much as I like the beetles the size of my palm landing on my mosquito net, I may only return as a spectator once again. Here are some photos:

Waiting to begin
Nearly 15 people with disabilities participated in the race either in the 5km or 1/2 marathon!
And they're off!
Relay team members waiting for their turn
I'm only smiling because I was watching. (Never mind slits for eyes. Was fight some allergy or eye infection or something equally wonderful)

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